Energy audits can help your organization save money and become more environmentally friendly by reviewing, surveying, and analyzing energy flows throughout your building. Depending on your building’s specific needs and the potential of your site, the energy audit our team performs will vary in terms of its depth. There are three general types of energy levels we perform based on the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers’ standards:
• Level 1– Level 1 energy audits are often referred to as simple audits, walk-through audits, or screen audits. During this process, a brief review of the facility’s utility bills and operating data is performed and a walk-through of the facility is done. All of these steps are meant to identify areas in which energy is wasted so a preliminary energy use analysis and report can be put together.
Generally, Level 1 energy audits only uncover major problem areas. Although corrective measures are briefly discussed, the level of detail these audits provides is not sufficient enough for implementing measures that can enhance energy efficiency.
• Level 2— During Level 2 energy audits, all the steps performed in a Level 1 audit are done, but more detailed energy calculations and a financial analysis of all cost-reducing measures are also provided. These audits are designed to help facility owners fully understand the financial incentives of implementing efficiency measures.
In many cases, utility bills for the facility are collected for a period of 24 to 36 months, so the auditor can fully understand the building’s energy expenditures in all seasons and circumstances. These audits provide the facility manager with detailed information for each measure, based on how much it will cost, the organization’s investment criteria, and site-specific operations.
• Level 3—Compared with Level 1 and 2 energy audits, the level of engineering focus provided in Level 3 audits is highly detailed and requires deep analysis. These audits are designed to provide enough detail for major capital investments to be made, and they provide dynamic models of energy use characteristics of both the facility and the conversation measures that are identified as being beneficial. Cost and savings calculations are also performed with a high level of accuracy.